how does the United States react to the Chinese threat?




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As 22 Chinese military planes entered the island’s defense space on Thursday August 4, the United States worries about what might follow.

Chinese military maneuvers in Taiwan are of concern. From the United States, Maryse Burgot takes stock. “There is a real concern, first of all in the short term. The Americans are worried about these maneuvers. How is it going to happen if the Chinese continue their maneuvers and if they continue to impose this quasi- blockade in Taiwan?she asks.

“So far, the Americans are practicing a fine balance in this region”, continues Maryse Burgot. The United States, which does not officially recognize Taiwan, supports the island and also demands its independence. “The Americans are carrying out a policy which bears a very particular, somewhat barbaric name, it is strategic ambiguity. But if there is an escalation, one wonders if the Americans will be able to hold this very particular policy”she concludes.

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