The postponement of the immigration bill “means that the text is not written in advance”, welcomes Yaël Braun-Pivet

The Minister of the Interior announced on Wednesday the postponement of the immigration bill, the examination of which was to begin in October. A “great debate” will first take place.

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Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, welcomes the postponement of the immigration bill which was to be examined in October and which will be replaced initially by a “big debate” in the Assembly and the Senate, Thursday 4 August on France Inter.

For the Renaissance MP for Yvelinesthis should not be seen as a desire to diminish the power of the National Assembly, which lacks an absolute majority. “On the contrary, it is the application of a new working method”, she assures, while the opposition denounces a bad signal sent by the government. The deputy LR of Doubs Annie Genevard for example estimated, Wednesday on franceinfo, that “it’s a form of evasion”.

“It is a consultation with the stakeholders, with the political groups which are in the National Assembly and the Senate”, believes Yaël Braun-Pivet. It will be, she says, a debate “in both chambers on immigration” before the “drafting of a text”, a method “extremely interesting” according to her. “This means that the text is not written in advance, that the consultation makes sense, that it is real and that then we can build a text which will then be discussed in Parliament”concludes the President of the Assembly.

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