the government seeking a broad consensus

“The new world, finally, is now.” The formula is that of a walking deputy, exhausted at the end of a month’s session parliamentarywho realize that now nothing will be like before. Gerald Darmanin had scheduled consideration of its immigration bill around October 10. It was to be a marker text for the start of the new school year, supposed “talk to the guts of the French”as the Minister of the Interior had declared on July 9 to the newspaper The world. To the guts of the French, but also of the voters of the Republicans and the National Rally.

>> “It’s a form of evasion”, tackles the interim president of the Republicans after the postponement of the immigration bill

Change of direction! Elisabeth Borne gave it a shot stop: The law project all muscle will have to wait. The impatient Minister of the Interior, who dreams of being a worthy successor to Nicolas Sarkozy, go devsee chomping at the bit and organizing, previously, at the request of Emmanuel Macron, a series of consultations place Beauvau, from the end of August and in Septemberewith all parties, social partners, associations and representatives of civil society.

And it’s not over: these friendly exchanges will continue, not over a good drink, but with a major debate in the National Assembly and Senat, in order to tie up the bill.

This postponement of a text promised as major not just translate the big concern that gripped the executive. Lchildbirth of the law purchasing power after too long a parliamentary battle augurs much more virulent debates at the start of the school year in October on much more divisive themes.

The great national debate had allowed the president to emerge from the nightmarehasr “yellow vests”. Why not decline the method in parliament, in order to clear the texts that annoy? And especially to neutralize, about the immigrationa right-wing opposition, from national rally to Republicans, who awaits Emmanuel Macron with a firm footing on a subject that she considered like his Achilles heel.

The themes announced by Gérald Darmanin are far from trivial. Rprofound reform of the organization of asylum, integrationgratification more demanding of foreigners arriving on national territory, the relationship between immigration and the economy, the fight against foreign offenders… Emmanuel Macron wants a broad consensus on these issues.

The challenge for the government is simple: finally provide solutions to those who do not understand why deportations to the border are impossible. With, hollow, an obsession: wringing your neck court case in political impotence which feeds populism. Everyone already has their eyes set on 2027.

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