Conserve the Mount Royal Cross

In a press conference held on July 27, the Committee of Mohawk Mothers rejected the Pope’s apologies, demanded recognition of the unceded lands and the removal of the cross that sits on the mountain.

This cross that we see illuminated at the top of Mount Royal has been there since 1924. For nearly a hundred years, it has been there as a symbol of our Christian values, it inspires us, gives us hope. The flag of Quebec displays it with pride and, when we sing the national anthem, we say “he knows how to carry the cross” and we look at it with respect. […] The recent visit of Pope Francis to Canada was a big step on the road to reconciliation. […] It’s our turn to take a step toward each other and forgive. […]

We came as immigrants to this welcoming land and we do everything to integrate. This effort must also be a collective effort. In this big and beautiful country, there is room for everyone, from coast to coast. We want to keep the cross and many of us feel that the cross is a symbol of peace, hope and unity; all values ​​that have made Canada great. We stick to it.

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