In August, we set out to discover unusual accommodation, original leisure activities in the department and we present to you the outstanding personalities of the department as well as anecdotes and legends. This week, our summer series takes us to the north-west of Mayenne. Direction Bourgneuf-la-forêt where one of the rare associative cinemas of the department is located. The Trianon was managed for almost 50 years by Fernand Orrière.
A cinema in a town of 1,800 inhabitants
Fernand Orrière took the helm of the Trianon somewhat by chance in 1966. The cinema then belonged to the parish of Bourgneuf-la Forêt, which decided to no longer take care of it. “I was convinced that it was necessary to maintain this activity in the commune and I let myself be drawn into this area.“, traces the nonagenarian. Without Fernand Orrière, Le Trianon would undoubtedly have closed its doors for good. But he insists, the cinema has also survived thanks to the work of many volunteers. “We had a sufficient group to try to continue to provide activity in the rural sector. I am talking about the old days, the distractions in rural areas were not huge”, underlines the one who was secretary at the town hall of Bourgneuf-la-Forêt then director of an Ehpad.
It was the only cultural activity in the rural sector.
Fernand Orriere
The Le Trianon cinema is classified Art and Essay, but Fernand Orrière and his team have always made sure that it remains accessible to all residents thanks to the prices of these places. “Our goal is not to make money. Our goal was to provide an activity that is affordable for everyone and that still brings something culturally to the environment where we live”. says Fernand Orrière.
He supervised the choice of films shown and there were certain genres that were a little less common at the Bourgneuf-la-Forêt cinema. “I avoided as much as possible all detective films or war films. Although we only had it when necessary. But personally, I don’t like revolvers, firearms. While respecting, if the majority of the members of the commission absolutely wanted a film, I bowed, smiled the 90-year-old former manager. In 2014, Fernand Orrière ended up handing over to his successor. He remains a member of the association and closely follows the news of the cinema he has seen grow.