Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, despite threats from China

Beijing, which claims sovereignty over the archipelago, has qualified attitude “extremely dangerous” the United States.

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She went there despite the threats. LSpeaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday August 2 as part of a tour of several Asian countries. China immediately denounced the attitude “extremely dangerous” of the United States, announcing “targeted military actions”, in response to the visit. Beijing considers the island as part of its territory to be reunified, by force if necessary. Lhe Russia also called Nancy Pelosi’s visit a “sheer provocation”.

Nancy Pelosi is the highest elected American official to visit the archipelago in 25 years. She claimed in a press release that his visit to Taiwan, not foreseen in his agenda, demonstrated the “unconditional support to the dynamic democracy the United States. The elected Democrat added that this visit did not contravene“no way” long-standing US policy toward China.

China considers Taiwan, with a population of around 23 million, to be one of its provinces, which it has yet to successfully reunify with the rest of its territory since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Opposed to any initiative giving the Taiwanese authorities international legitimacy, Beijing is against any official contact between Taiwan and other countries.

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