A man arrested for a series of thefts from the trailer in Montpellier

A young man appeared on Monday before the Montpellier Criminal Court for a series of thefts from the trailer committed since 2019. The 29-year-old individual was arrested on July 29, thanks to the photo taken by a resident who found his attitude suspiciousnear his building, located between Port Marianne and Antigone, five days earlier.

This resident, who had finally found that his cubicle had been broken, then filed a complaint. And these are actually several garages and vehicles, about ten in total, which had been broken into or whose windows had been brokenthe same day.

Thanks to the photo, the man had been identified by the police, who knew him. At his home during the arrest and a search, several stolen items were recovered : sunglasses, telephones, chargers, valuable equipment.

The thief recognized everything, including seventeen other thefts committed in the last three years. Cases in which his fingerprints had notably been noted. He admitted that he resold some of his loot.

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