The little advice of the host and doctor Michel Cymes to fight against flatulence

Michel Cymes is definitely an all-terrain doctor. When he is not seeing his patients, the famous ENT chronicles on the radio, he presents programs on television, or plays comedy in TV movies and writes books. On his Instagram account, this hyperactive does extras, and shares health advice with his followers, almost daily.

“This air must be evacuated”

After a video on sunstroke, contraception, or shaken baby syndrome, Dr. Michel Cymes tackled a very widespread problem… that of bloating. In his video, he explained that there was prevention to be done on this subject which can make people laugh, but which is very serious. Michel Cymes therefore recommended: “avoid all carbonated drinks, avoid eating starchy foods known to give flatulence”. And to complete: “Do not eat too quickly, that’s very important, if you eat too quickly, you swallow air at the same time, and this air must be evacuated“.

Finally, the paf star added: “We avoid eating chewing gum, in short we try to have the most balanced diet possible“.

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In addition, Adriana Karembeu’s colleague also clarified that there was a logical solution to fight against this evil, when it arises…”Bloating, how do you get rid of it? Well if you are alone, go for it! It has to come out” he assured, in all relaxation (and it is precisely necessary). And to add: “if you feel that it grows, it grows and you are with people, you go out and then you go, how to say… degas further“. If it is prescribed by the doctor….

“And if not you, is it gassy?”

The Instagram post, titled And if not you, it gazes? Please share with your concerned friends!” has had great success with the #DrGoodRépond community. The reactions were very amused and funny, namely: “Mdr me I spend more time outside than with people”, “I was dying of laughter listening to you”, “prevention is to prevent, quite simply!!: “I want to fart” …”


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