Magali Berdah targets serious threats in her war with Booba, the shock video

In two and a half months, 69,687 threats and insults received, or 795 per day, or 33 per hour, which makes a message every two minutes“, she wrote in the caption of the images on which we see her sitting, reading aloud the atrocities which target her. The messages scroll: “Let me piss in your mouth, make your blood run and take everything you have”, “Family of thieves, you’re going to pass it, you bitches”, “I rape your daughters, your little nieces, your little cousin, I f*** you all”, “We’ll come and cut your throat at your place you dirty p***”, “We’re going to kill you, we have your address and that of your little ones”, “Please, fuck- you in the air, you will be doing everyone a favor”, “Be careful when you leave your crook’s office and come home.

Following this post, Magali Berdah received many messages of support: “It makes me nauseous“, reacted Hugo Manos, the companion of Laurent Ruquier. Alexandre and Mathieu de Love is in the meadow didn’t come back either:But damn, that’s not possible.“Marc Blata, also targeted by accusations from the rapper, also defended himself:”You are much braver than all your silent influencers. Courage ! justice is coming” Even some Internet users, a priori in agreement with the facts that Booba highlighted, wanted to calm things down: “I agreed with Booba on the merits because a lot of people get ripped off, it’s a reality. Despite all this, no one deserves such harassment and violence. Courage”. The danger of social networks is more than ever pointed out…

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