Me Marion Barre is the lawyer for the arsonist firefighter arrested this week in Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière, who has recognized 8 fire starts since May.
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“He is ashamed but relieved that it is over”indicates Me Marion Barre, the lawyer for the arsonist firefighter arrested on Wednesday July 27 in Hérault, reports France Bleu Hérault this Sunday, while this 36-year-old father has recognized 8 fire starts since May, and that justice is interested in others, older. “The only thing he could say was that he was ashamed of the acts he committed, that he regretted, he apologized”adds his lawyer.
>> Fires in the Hérault: what we know about the arsonist firefighter in search of “adrenaline”, who admitted to being at the origin of several fires
“He says it’s an addiction like cigarettes, narcotics or alcohol. He needs to light fires, he needs to see fire”explains Me Marion Barre, who adds that her client had “need” of the “adrenaline rush” caused by fires. Like any person victim of addiction, the arsonist firefighter suffered from this addiction, assures the lawyer.
“He says he’s relieved that it’s over because like all addictions, there’s a time when you’re aware of what you’re doing, you’re aware of what’s wrong and you can’t. not to stop.”
Marion Barreat France Bleu Hérault
The volunteer firefighter, also a forestry officer for the Hérault department and deputy mayor of Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière, was indicted on Thursday and remanded in custody. He will now be the subject of a psychiatric examination.