before the summer holidays, a last Council of Ministers to take stock and “be positive”

Before the summer break, the reunited government will look into the challenges to come in the coming months, and the new deal in the Assembly is at the heart of the attention.

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For the ministers, vacation time has not yet arrived: they are asked to stay in Paris until the end of the parliamentary debates, at the beginning of August. But this Friday, July 29, they will participate in the last Council of Ministers before their break. And the menu is clear: it will be for Emmanuel Macron to take stock of the start of his second five-year term.

Jostled by the opposition but also part of his majority, the head of state wants to be positive. The balance sheet, according to his entourage, is that the government has succeeded in passing its texts to the Assembly: purchasing power, amending budget … And this with some of the opposition, in reality especially with Les Républicains. “The message of the French to the legislative elections has been heard”argues an adviser who slips in passing “We said the country was ungovernable: it’s not true!”

This same counselor rejoices: “We reached compromises without crossing our red line: ‘no tax or additional debt'”. But there, it is less true: the bill is a little saltier than expected. A satisfaction to project towards the fall, hope the macronists, where the program will be loaded, with on the program: the promised acceleration of the energy transition and a new reform of unemployment insurance.

As for the explosive issue of pensions, caution: no timetable has yet been announced. The subject will be discussed within the framework of the National Council for Refoundation, a body bringing together all the “living forces” of the country, and whose launch has been postponed until the start of the school year.

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