Louis Aliot declares himself candidate for the presidency of the party against Jordan Bardella

The mayor of Perpignan, who wants to continue the demonization led by the far-right party, will face Marine Le Pen’s replacement at a congress in November.

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Duel in sight at the National Rally. Louis Aliot, 52-year-old mayor of Perpignan, officially declared himself a candidate for the leadership of the far-right party on Thursday July 28. In a column published in the newspaper Opinionthe former deputy of the Pyrénées-Orientales defends “demonization” of the RN, which “brought Marine Le Pen to its highest level. I want to deepen and solidify this line so that each of us can play our part in the candidacy of Marine Le Pen in 2027”he says.

The mayor of Perpignan will face Jordan Bardella at the RN congress on November 5. This date will mark the end of the Le Pen era, ie fifty years of family presidency at the Front, then at the National Rally.

The current president of the party, aged 26, loyal lieutenant of Marine Le Pen whom he replaced during the presidential campaign, has already expressed the wish to retain his functions, which are supposed to end in September. “Never change a winning team”he declared on BFMTV on Tuesday, for whom permanent accession to the head of the party would be a logical and legitimate continuation of his political career.

Jordan Bardella also said he was on a social and identity line, even if he put more emphasis on this last aspect by campaigning in the south of France, on the lands of Eric Zemmour.

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