Former Cult Member Sarah Suco: The Day She Left Her Parents

This Thursday, July 28, Sarah Suco will be showing on TF1 in the film Josephine rounds up. The opportunity to learn a little more about the adolescence of the actress, and in particular about his lack of communication with his parents, and this for more than twenty years. In reality, this distance is due to a very special situation. Indeed, she belonged when she was young, through her father and her mother, to a religious community, which she finally decided to flee with her brothers and sisters.

It was pretty easy to get outbut difficult to enter the world” she confided in an interview with the site The Digital Sun. Sectarian excesses that she had evoked in her film The dazzledreleased in 2019. A feature film that she decided to dedicate to her siblings, with whom she has an unstable relationship.

I told them: ‘My artistic freedom, I do what I want. But my humanity tells me that if you don’t agree with the dedication, I won’t put it.’ They all encouraged me even if I have siblings, let’s say, a little special. We are both tightly knit, both like wild children who lived as best they could. This film could have divided us. They said to me: ‘For us too, it is a form of testimony.’ It was a huge gift.

“I don’t see them anymore”

But despite her bad personal experience with this sect, the 41-year-old Montpellier woman was very complimentary of her parents during her interview with The Digital Sun, while subtly pointing out their naivety. “Me, when my parents got into it, they were brilliant people. Nobody understood. We are getting there little by little. Because they are great people, there is Christian charity, great values… These people from the communities, they are dazzled by the faith, by the spirituality. Who would not be ? Me, I do not know people who do not have flaws of fragility “.

In November 2019, on the set of Can’t wait for next Sundayshe decided to break this very negative image that sects send back in general.”When you think of sects, people imagine the Solar Temple, people committing suicide by the hundreds… Me, I lived in a city, it was in a church at the corner of the street like there are everywhere … These are charismatic communities that are established everywhere in France, there are many of them and this one still exists.“, she had assured, before being cash on her current relationship with her parents: “it is complicated. I no longer have any contact with them, I no longer see them. They stayed“.

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