Money, car, shopping: Britney Spears finally regains control of her life

Britney Spears relishes her victory and the return to a normal life, far from the prohibitions and restrictions dictated by her family. At 39, this mother of two young teens (Sean Preston and Jayden James, 16 and 15) has finally found her freedom, after 13 years under the tutelage of her father, Jamie Spears. After having popped the champagne at the announcement of the verdict pronounced on November 12 by Judge Brenda Penny, Britney Spears thanked her fans and supporters of the #FreeBritney movement, who have supported her for her long difficult years. “I am so grateful to you. I owe you part of my life”, she said.

“Many of you have asked me what I’m going to do, now that the guardianship has been lifted. I savor every moment: I am happy to be able to have the keys to my car, my own bank card, to go shopping … To feel independent and a woman, after 13 years of supervision! These are small things but they make a huge difference “, said Britney Spears, who isn’t afraid to say she hasn’t seen money or driven a car in a long time.

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