sharks more and more present on Long Island



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Several incidents involving sharks have taken place on the coast of Long Islandnear New York. Several swimmers were injured.

The sun, the sea and the sharks. For several weeks, the scene has been repeated at Long Islandnear New York. Swimming is prohibited and the beach evacuated due to a shark alert.They asked everyone to get out of the water because apparently they saw a family of sharks“, says a swimmer. Over the past month, six swimmers have been bitten on the East Coast. Fortunately, the injuries are not serious.

The sharksamong the most dangerous in the world, sometimes wash up on beaches. But nothing to worry about according to scientists.We share the ocean with predators who don’t want to eat us and have no interest in harming us“, explains Hans Waltersshark specialist to New York Aquarium. Sharks are more and more numerous due to warming waters. Since the sharks are protected, New Yorkers will have to get used to their presence.

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