What to do for your holidays on a small budget?

The prospect of vacations is often less rosy when you don’t have enough money to leave. For yourself, for your children, staying in the summer where you live the rest of the year is certainly less exotic, but it is nevertheless possible to spend a fun and relaxing holiday.

Swim in a recreation area with her children, walking around bikemakeescalationvisit a museum or learn about digital, watch a fireworks display, take part in a street festivalsee a film outdoors or spectaclethere are more opportunities to have fun for free or at low cost in your city and region than you might think.

Bintily Diallo is duplex with the tourist offices of Strasbourgof La Rochelle and of Montpellier to give you good plans and good ideas for sporting and cultural activities to do in these cities and these corners of France. So that the holidays and the summer, wherever you live and where you live, are an opportunity to discover your city differently!

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