Large families: The health of a 2-year-old child is deteriorating, a worrying weight loss

Everything seemed to be going well lately for Celine Saffre and his. In May, the candidate mother of Large families, life in XXL was for example very happy to announce that with her husband Fabrice, she is expecting her ninth child. A little being who should point the tip of his nose at the end of the year and thus join his brothers and sisters Paul (11 years old), Jean (10 years old), Adèle (9 years old), Louis (8 years old), Charles (6 years old), Marcel (4 years old), Rose (3 years old) and Valentine (2 years old).

But no respite for Céline during her pregnancy and even less when one of her children is sick. This is the case of his youngest Valentine, who has been suffering from stomach aches for a few weeks without her mother knowing why. “I really want to find out where the problem is coming from.“, she said in story Instagram, understandably worried. It must be said that the symptoms of little Valentine are worrying. The toddler is indeed prone to violent diarrhea and no treatment seems to be effective. “She empties completely. You can’t leave a 2-year-old in this state. She lost 1.5 kg in a month. She’s had non-stop diarrhea for a month. She is very tired“, said Céline Saffré.

To have answers to her questions, the mother of the family is “went to 5 different doctors in a month“. In vain. “Valentine had a stool test in July and the results were negative, there are no bacteria in her gut. But his diarrhea is still present. At first they thought she had gastro, she had a hell of a cocktail of drugs and despite that, no improvement“, she explained. If the source of the problem has not yet been identified, health professionals want to be rather reassuring, however, by ensuring that it “there’s no point in being alarmed“.

During the day of Tuesday, July 26, the examinations continued in any case for Valentine who was subjected to a blood test. “Very proud of my princess, she didn’t even cry“, let know Céline.

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