the National Assembly votes 500 million euros to increase pensions, against the advice of the government

The government planned to increase pensions by 5.1%, but the opposition deputies succeeded in getting a cumulative increase of 5.5% voted.

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This is yet another setback for the majority: the National Assembly voted on Tuesday, July 26, against the advice of the government, an additional revaluation of 500 million euros for retirement pensions, as part of the review of the amended draft budget for 2022.

The vote of this amendment of the independent group LIOT was acquired by 186 votes against 181. The left immediately celebrated a “nice victory” and RN deputies a “breath of fresh air” for retirees. The Senate, which is dominated by the right, can however reconsider this vote.

LR deputies divided

The amendment provides for a revaluation of pensions which takes into account the real level of inflation, i.e. for 2022 at 5.5%. The government has proposed a cumulative revaluation of 5.1% (1.1% in January then 4% in July).

Almost all the opposition deputies voted for, only the LR group divided between for, against and abstention, while the majority united to oppose it, in vain.

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