Parliament definitively adopts the health bill, which repeals most of the exceptional measures but allows border controls

At first reading, the deputies were opposed to the possibility of requesting a pass from travelers arriving in France. It will finally be possible to demand a negative test.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Parliament definitively adopted the health bill on Tuesday, July 26. The senators approved the version resulting from an agreement in a joint joint committee, as the deputies had done the day before.

This text formally repeals from August 1 the possibility of using a number of exceptional health measures against Covid-19, such as confinement and curfew, the obligation to wear a mask and the health pass.

But it authorizes the government to request the presentation of a negative test result to enter France from abroad or to travel between France and overseas territories.

At first reading in the National Assembly, on July 12, the deputies had rejected a first version of this measure, which required a health pass rather than a test result. A snub inflicted on the government by elected officials from the RN, LR and Nupes. The article, in its revised version, was reintroduced by the joint committee.

The bill adopted on Tuesday also requires the government to end the vaccination obligation imposed on caregivers if the High Health Authority decides in this direction. But the latter issued an unfavorable opinion on the reintegration of the non-vaccinated, on July 22.

The text extends two tools for monitoring the epidemic: Contact Covid, which allows the monitoring of positive people and their contact cases, which is extended until next January 31, and SI-DEP, the system which centralizes the results of tests, until June 30.

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