Emmanuel Macron begins his official tour in Africa in Yaoundé




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Seven years after the last visit of a French head of state, Emmanuel Macron set foot in Yaoundé (Cameroon), to begin the first tour of Central Africa in his second five-year term.

A meeting that is an event. Tonight, Emmanuel Macron begins his African tour in Cameroon. For several years, relations between the two countries have been almost non-existent. This is the first visit to Yaoundé by the President of the Republic, seven years after François Hollande. On the spot, there is no question for the Elysée to offend and give lessons in the field of human rights. Discussions will focus first on the food crisis. Emmanuel Macron wishes to promote the farm initiative, a development project for Cameroonian agriculture supported by the European Union and the African Union.

A crucial question as the war in Ukraine allows Russia to negotiate its grain exports to Africa. “There are no obstacles to start delivering cereals to in accordance with the Istanbul agreements“, declared Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister on a trip to Congo Brazzaville on Tuesday, July 26. Russia also has a lead on the security front. Mercenaries from the Wagner armed group are present in several African countries and are taking advantage of the withdrawal French troops. For France, it is a question today of turning the page of the Barkhane program. Despite a military agreement signed with Russia in April, Cameroon could benefit from discreet aid from France against Boko Haram.

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