thermobaric weapons, a new instrument of Russian military propaganda

For a second, in a bewildering din, huge mushrooms of fire sow death and desolation. feared by Ukrainian forces, the TOS-1A Solntsepek (“sunshine” in French) systems are considered in Moscow to be the most powerful non-nuclear weapons in the country. Almost five months after the first testimonies about them, they are still used in Ukraine, as franceinfo found from video documents.

At the end of June, Moscow for the first time recognized their use in the conflict. The Russian Ministry of Defense then broadcast a video with Hollywood accents*, in order to ensure the promotion of an armament in the face of which it is impossible “to take shelter”. This system consisting of a chassis and a launcher had been presented from every angle, like a state-of-the-art sedan. With overlays of images of strikes filmed by drones.

The principle is formidable. The first load of these 220 mm missiles “vaporizes a highly flammable gas”, explains to franceinfo Stéphane Audrand, consultant specializing in armaments. A millisecond later, a second charge ignites the thermobaric mixture. The temperature can then reach 3,000 degrees and the ambient oxygen is consumed “in a fraction of a second”which leads to “a phenomenon of colossal overpressure”. The air is first sucked in, creating a vacuum effect (negative pressure), before being released in a breath of fire that penetrates everywhere (positive pressure).

“There’s no protection. The overpressure seeps into every nook and cranny and cooks enemies in a pressure cooker. It’s horrible.”

Stéphane Audrand, consultant specializing in military armament

at franceinfo

These weapons are sometimes incorrectly referred to as “vacuum bombs”. Yet their “lethal effect is not simply due to the lack of oxygen caused but to the pulmonary barotrauma” caused by the pressure differential, explains the specialized journal Defense Technology (in English). This cocktail of fire and shock waves leaves the targeted troops no chance, even when they are entrenched in shelters.

The video from the Russian Ministry of Defense did not surprise many people, because the use of TOS-1As has been known for a long time. The Zvezda television channel, which depends on the Ministry of Defence, had already mentioned, at the beginning of March*, the feats of arms of a Russian sergeant, author “from an accurate shot of TOS-1A” in the Chernihiv region, north of kyiv. A fortnight later, the press service of the Donetsk militiamen had produced a long video* to demonstrate its striking power. At the end of April, the pro-Kremlin Anna agency had also broadcast a report* as close as possible to these weapons.

Excerpt from the video broadcast on March 20, 2022 by the Donetsk militiamen (eastern Ukraine), presenting a TOS-1A system.   (MEDIA SERVICE OF THE MILITIA OF THE SELF-PROCLAIMED REPUBLIC OF DONETSK)

What are these weapons used for? To understand this, franceinfo collected several video documents, and was able to establish geographical correspondences for around twenty images: in the Kharkhiv region (North-East), near Kherson (South), and especially on the Donbass front. (East).

At the end of June and beginning of July, for example, several pro-Russian accounts claimed that the TOS-1As had been mobilized during the offensive carried out in the Luhansk region, in order to take control of the city of Lysychansk. The targets were located on the southern axis of this key city, finally lost on July 3 by Ukraine.

Geolocation of three videos presenting supposed thermobaric strikes on the approach to Lyssytchansk (eastern Ukraine), at the end of June.  (FRANCEINFO)

The technique is rudimentary: “When the Russian army stumbles somewhere, it shavescomments Stéphane Audrand. This is effective in neutralizing enemy infantry in a limited space.” Russia “provides thethe use of TOS-1A by ground troops, within the framework of mechanized maneuvers to accompany the infantry”continues the weapons specialist.

After the capture of Lyssytchansk, the offensive led by the Kremlin is now continuing towards the West, with the key city of Sloviansk as its objective. Aleksander Kots, one of Russia’s most prominent war correspondents, recently shared new footage of an alleged TOS-1A strike. Franceinfo was able to locate these images in a forest between Lyssytchansk and Siviersk, on the new axis of Russian advance. Again, in support of the troops.

A Russian military correspondent published a video showing a bombardment in the forest, which geolocation data places between Lyssytchansk and Siviersk.  (FRANCEINFO)

Used on the front, these thermobaric weapons are also regularly highlighted on television by the regime’s propagandists, who highlight their devastating aspect to mark public opinion. In early June, presenter Olga Skabeeva devoted an entire sequence to them on her program “60 Minutes” on the state channel Rossiya 1. With emphasis and seriousness, she extolled the merits of an armament “capable of firing 24 missiles in seconds” and destroy “an area of ​​4 square km”. On the set, a screen revealed at the same time the images of a crouching soldier, then a deluge of fire.

Olga Skabeeva presents a sequence dedicated to thermobaric weapons in her show "60 Minutes"on Rossiya 1. (ROSSIYA 1)

Already four years ago, the Moscow newspaper Lenta was enthusiastic* about this “Lethal Demon Weapon”. The war in Ukraine has revived enthusiastic comments on social networks, especially on “pro-Z” Telegram accounts. The latter rustle with videos presenting supposed thermobaric strikes, these images being sometimes difficult to authenticate, for lack of field investigation.

The war in Ukraine thus offers an ideal showcase for the promotion and marketing of these weapons, the handling of which is reserved for special units in charge of radioactive, chemical and biological protection (RKhBZ). Belarus must soon finalize the purchase of these TOS-1A systems from Russia, according to the Revue militaro-politique*, close to power, and the Gayoun collective*, specializing in military movements. Armenia, Syria, Algeria, Saudi Arabia … The TOS-1A was already among the top five sales of Russian land weapons abroad, said the state agency Rosoboronexport, responsible for Russian arms exports (in English)after a demonstration in 2020.

“The TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system is unique in the world arms market. It is not produced anywhere except in Russia.”

Alexander Mikheev, General Manager of Rosoboronexport

in July 2020, during a demonstration to foreign customers

The brand new TOS-2 “Tosochka” is already deployed near Kharkhiv, according to the Russian agency Tass (in English). It takes up the torch of this “thermobaric tradition” initiated in the 1980s in Afghanistan, with the TOS-1 “Bouratino” (“Pinocchio”, in French) and its thirty launch tubes.

The TOS-1 says "Buratino"recognizable by its 30 launch tubes, during the Russian operation in Afghanistan in the 1980s. (BVTV.INFO)

Future sales are guaranteed, especially since no international text prohibits these weapons. However, the third protocol of the Geneva Conventions prohibits its use in areas where civilians are potentially present. Their use must also respect the principle of “proportionality” in relation to the expected benefit, and not cause excessive suffering to enemy combatants. “There are some objective conditions justifying their recourseexplains Stéphane Audrand, like the destruction of an arms depot that is difficult to access”. Are these criteria well respected in Ukraine?

“When you raze a village without being sure that there are no civilians there, there is a high probability of a war crime or a violation of international law.”

Stéphane Audrand, consultant specializing in military armament

at franceinfo

To date, two preliminary investigations have been opened for possible crimes related to the use of Russian thermobaric weapons, franceinfo has learned from the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office. The first relates to the Russian offensive carried out from March 23 to 26 on the villages of Mala Rohan and Vilkhivka (Kharkhiv region) during which a 13-year-old girl died in hospital from her injuries. The second was triggered after a strike on the village of Novi Petrivtsi, near kyiv. “The debris of a thermobaric projectile has been collected” and the type of launcher is being identified.

* All these links refer to content in Russian language

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