This fight against cancer which deeply upset the First Lady

As indicated by Tristan Bromet on his account instagram, Brigitte Macron took part, on Saturday July 23, in the second Kyiv Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen (“Kyiv Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen”), organized by Olena Zelenska, wife of the President of Ukraine. In the video posted on instagramthe First Lady, Brigitte Macron spoke about setting up Operation Cigogne, which aims “to welcome Ukrainian children and adolescents to French hospitals so that they can continue their cancer treatment”. “Their welcome was made possible thanks to an immense chain of solidarity, which began in Ukraine and continued in Poland. These young children arrived in France and were taken care of in our hospitals thanks to the involvement of our diplomats, medical staff and community volunteers”.

Brigitte Macron spoke about Mykola, a Ukrainian teenager, who sent her a moving message and which upset her. The latter arrived in France, with his family, to continue his fight against cancer. He also indicated that he had finished his chemotherapy.

The wife of the President of the Republic did not fail to thank Olena Zelenska. “Finally, I would like to salute your initiative around the spouses of Heads of State and Government. The final declaration of the First Kyiv Summit invited them to mobilize to protect women, children and families in conflict situations. C It was August 23, 2021. Less than a year ago. Current events have proven to us that this mobilization is precious. We are and we will remain by your side Dear Olena to help the Ukrainians”.

See also: Emmanuel Macron rolls out the red carpet for the President of the United Arab Emirates and Brigitte pulls out all the stops, her wonderfully mind-blowing dress!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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