Did you know the “Escape games”? Well here are the “Game species” !
What better way to discover nature throughout our region than to do it while having fun? Follow the tracks, solve the puzzles of this great natural treasure hunt and geocaching on no less than 30 preserved natural sites in the Center region.
How to participate in a “Cash game”? It’s very simple, you just have to download from the Conservatory’s website, the sheets that correspond to the places you want to visit.
Another possibility: if you are a geocacher, you can go directly to this site.
– Chase Dekker Wild-Life Images
The Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels can also provide you with the documents corresponding to the natural sites in your area. You will have the possibility to print them if necessary and distribute them to the participants.
On each site, a path strewn with enigmas, codes, puzzles… leads to a box containing the Conservatory’s treasure. Participants will be able to find a different one on each site visited and thus collect them. A total of 30 treasures are to be found on 30 natural sites spread over the entire region (5 sites concerned for each department)! Educational sheets on the species concerned, whether they are fauna or flora, accompany each treasure and can be downloaded from the website, on the page reserved for the game.
– Westend61
Which sites for Indre-et-Loire? – The Island of Bondésir in Montlouis-sur-Loire
– L’Éperon de Murat (sensitive natural area) in Ferrière-Larçon,
– Les Puys du Chinonais (sensitive natural area) in Chinon and Beaumont-en-Véron
– Les Pelouses de Bléré (Sensitive natural area) in Bléré,
– the Lawns of Bertignolles in Savigny-en-Véron.
The sites preserved by the Conservatory of natural spaces are, except in exceptional cases on sites that are too sensitive, available to residents but also to tourists. Families and all those interested will be able to dive into these spaces of freedom and well-being to recharge their batteries and spend pleasant, fun and educational moments.