Mustapha El Atrassi puts an end to his career: who are these women who matter, and have mattered, for him?

Almost ten years now that Mustapha El Atrassi has disappeared from radar. However, the comedian was the heyday of the small screen for many years, especially when he was alongside Laurent Ruquier in We tried everything. Through Saturday Earthlingsthe 36-year-old is even entitled to his own program with The night belongs to us broadcast on NRJ12 and Comedy +. However, he decides to devote himself to his own career and disappears from the scene to concentrate solely on his shows.

But all good things must end. A few days ago, he announced that he was ending his career during his last show. “It’s really the last time we see each other brothers. It was time for me to put an end to this parenthesis”he revealed before specifying: “this job [le] mess up inside. It’s a big fight to get there, every day, it’s not a normal job. I did it with all my heart, maybe too much […] It’s time for me to laugh a little and I think it’s your turn to cry”.

complicated relationships

If this job is so difficult for him, it must also be said that his private life has not always been rosy. In couple only a few months with the journalist and presenter Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine in 2007, the two will separate after a dark story. Indeed, the comedian is the subject of a complaint for domestic violence from the host of C to you. Facts that Mustapha El Atrassi has always denied.

Even within his own family the vagueness remains. A few years ago, his sister Amale El Atrassi made some intriguing revelations about him. Through his work, “A Muslim Wolf”, the young woman evokes their childhood punctuated by family dramas. She evokes the abuse they suffered from a violent and alcoholic father according to her words. A family drama that played a lot in the life of the comedian, so much so that he would have moved away from his own family to the chagrin of his sister. “For him, we do not exist”she confided to our colleagues from Closer. Since 2011, Mustapha El Atrassi lived on a small cloud alongside the former Miss Weather of Canal +, Ornella Fleury. However, he announced their separation in 2018.

See also: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: her ex Mustafa El Atrassi “messed up from the inside”, he makes a very sad announcement


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