This unacceptable behavior of the Prime Minister which outrages Internet users!

This Tuesday, July 19, Elisabeth Borne was present at the National Assembly. Unfortunately, the attitude of the Prime Minister very quickly aroused indignation. Indeed, a video posted on Brut’s Instagram account, this Thursday, July 21, shows the politician vaping inside the hemicycle. And this, while article L3513-6 of the Public Health Code prohibits it. ” Any person smoking in a place for collective use subject to the smoking ban, outside the specific location reserved for smokers, is liable to a third class fine which incurs a fixed fine of €68. “, specifies our colleagues.

A gesture that Internet users immediately pointed out. In shock, Marion Cotillard let out a ” But shit! “. “ They vote for our laws that they don’t respect,” “Where are we? “, “Bravo, what an example this gives! », « Do as I say, but don’t do as I do », « What is valid for us is not necessarily so for them. They make the laws and apply them themselves only if their heart tells them to”, “Beautiful principle of exemplary”, “The same that will tell you to put on the mask and go get vaccinated at the start of the school year under penalty of penalty…”could also be read in the comments.

“The New World is really special…”

If the video of Brut makes the buzz, it is however not the first time that Elisabeth Borne is seen smoking in the middle of the National Assembly. His collaborators were already irritated by this habit. Maxime Minot, Member of the Republicans, had already made a remark: “Nice Minister of Labour, Employment and Integration Élisabeth Borne who calmly vapes while I ask her a question in the hemicycle… The New World is really special…”.

For their part, the National Assembly and the Senate recently confirmed to the CheckNews teams that there is no privilege and that it is indeed “no smoking in the hemicycle, the ban applies to electronic cigarettes”.


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