Energy: Russian gas deliveries to Europe resume via Nord Stream 1


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On Thursday July 21, Russia resumed its gas deliveries to Europe after maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. Journalist Luc Lacroix, live from Moscow in Russia, takes stock of the situation.

Russia resumed its gas deliveries to Europe on Thursday July 21, after a ten-day maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. Journalist Luc Lacroix, live from Moscow (Russia) Explain “that we do not yet know the quantity of gas circulating through this gas pipeline”and “there is still a threat that Russia will use one pretext or another to cut it again”. Russia “has already cut another gas pipeline that crosses Belarus”continues the journalist.

“In Europe, we don’t have too many illusions. We know that Russian gas imports will dry up, but the question is to know when and above all at what level will European reserves be at that time”reports Luc Lacroix. Russia “tries to appear as a reliable partner on energy issues, not necessarily for Europe, but for its other customers”explains the journalist. “Here in Russia, we know: gas is a weaponconcludes Luc Lacroix.

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