US President Joe Biden tested positive with ‘very mild symptoms’

The White House says the 79-year-old leader is being treated with Paxlovid, the anti-Covid pill developed by Pfizer.

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So far, he had escaped the virus. US President Joe Biden, 79, “has tested positive for Covid-19”Thursday 21 July, with “very mild symptoms”, announced the White House, the same day. The Democrat has “started taking Paxlovid”the anti-Covid pill from Pfizer which must be taken as soon as the diagnosis is made, according to the spokesperson for the presidency.

Joe Biden, who has already received two booster doses of the vaccine, will isolate himself at the White House until he tests negative again. He will cancel his next trips and “will continue to assume all of its functions” meanwhile provide his services.

The White House promises to communicate “each day” on the state of health of Joe Biden, the oldest president ever elected in the United States. A medical examination carried out last November found him “robust” and “apt” to perform his duties.

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