The National Assembly votes the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance

If the deputies almost unanimously approved this measure, the date of its entry into force was debated.

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It was a long-standing request from the associations. On the night of Wednesday July 20 to Thursday July 21, the National Assembly voted unanimously (minus one vote) to deconjugalize the disabled adult allowance (AAH), by adopting amendments tabled by all the groups, after several refusal of the executive during the previous legislature. The spouse’s income will no longer be taken into account for the calculation of this benefit from October 2023 at the latest.

Created in 1975, the AAH is intended to compensate for the inability to work. With a maximum amount of 904 euros per month, it is paid according to medical and social criteria. It now has more than 1.2 million beneficiaries, including 270,000 couples, for an annual expenditure of around 11 billion euros. If 160,000 people will see their allowance increase by 300 euros on average, around 45,000 people could be harmed in the event of deconjugalization “dried”. To compensate for this loss, a “transitional device” was adopted by the deputies.

The date of entry into force was debated. “October 2023 is too late”objected environmentalists about the implementation deadline. “Technical considerations require implementation time”like changes to computer systems, pleaded the majority rapporteur Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, pointing to amendments that are not “not realistic”. “A technical work meeting” will be organized, promised the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt.

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