Jazz films his daughter Chelsea (4 years old): a physical detail shocks internet users

Since being revealed in Who wants to marry my son ? in 2015, Jazz Correia shares its daily life with its subscribers. The public was thus able to see it evolve. She met Laurent whom she married and together they had three children: Chelsea (4 years old), Cayden (3 years old) and London (7 months). The beautiful brunette does not hesitate to expose them on social networks and sometimes she attracts the wrath of Internet users. Like Monday, July 18, 2022, after revealing images of her daughter.

Jazz Correia is unfortunately used to being at the heart of criticism. And news broke earlier this week, after she shared footage of Chelsea trying to grab a packet of crisps. Very quickly, Internet users were able to see that the little girl wore… false nails, long and pink glitter. “show me your nails, then launched the wife of Laurent Correia, proud to show this detail to his community. But her subscribers pointed out that her daughter was far too small to wear fake nails. A controversy that should not push the star of the JLC Family to change his habits.

This is not the first time that she has been criticized for the education of her children or her choices concerning them. In 2020, for example, when Chelsea was 2 years old, she was dressed in a tight black dress and was made up during a shoot. A snapshot that had shocked Internet users. “Chelsea is pretty naturally she doesn’t need makeup especially at her young age”, “I never criticize but now I’m shocked at Chelsea’s dress and the way she poses. (…). It’s not against you, Chelsea are naturally beautiful. There it is abused for my taste”, “Your daughter’s dress is a bit short, I find, for her age“, we had in particular been able to read.

The fact that his son Cayden, then 1 year old, received a Rolex also caused a lot of reaction. “I anticipate your controversies! I’ve already received a lot of messages because I posted a photo of my son with a Rolex watch. First, I do what I want with my money, second, a Rolex watch is an investment. For those who don’t know, prices go up all the time, so it’s like putting money in an account and it can go up in value depending on the watches. You can imagine that I wanted to buy something of value for my son whom I love more than anything in the world“, had in particular justified Laurent.

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