in the middle of a heat wave, the country is devoured by fires




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Spain has been suffocating for ten days, and is ravaged by numerous fires. Report from the Zamora region, where two people lost their lives.

The province of Zamora (Spain) is in flames, Tuesday July 19. The fires are still out of control and spreading rapidly, with a fire that keeps turning. The firefighters are overwhelmed, and overwhelmed by the number of fires throughout Spain: 38 outbreaks, including 21 still considered worrying by the authorities, in the evening. Some residents try to protect the houses, often in vain. “We are powerless, we can’t do anything”says a man.

The same scenario repeated itself all day: a thick cloud of smoke advancing at full speed, and the fire crossing the roads, threatening the villages. 400 inhabitants were thus evacuated in emergency near Zaragoza (Spain). The flames were only a hundred meters from the houses. Near Barcelona (Spain), a herd of horses was hastily brought to safety. In total, 70,000 hectares have gone up in smoke in the country since the start of the summer.

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