Lannick Gautry dad: he finally reveals the sex of his second child born… 2 years ago!

Bronx, Brice de Nice, Our Happy Days, Very First Time… Lannick Gautry has some notable films to his credit. Without forgetting his roles in the series The Mystery of the Lake and Clear-eyed Vengeance, or his many passages in television programs as in the TV movie Parents manual, the film and in the miniseries Aim for the heart by Vincent Jamain.

This Tuesday evening, it is to be found on the TFX channel in the comedy The Francises. The opportunity to look back on his family life and in particular on the birth of his second child, which occurred two years ago. A happy event which had been announced by the magazine Paris here in December 2018, when the 46-year-old actor was already the father of a little girl.

“One hell of an adventure”

Except that, since the birth of the youngest, it was impossible until now to know the sex of the latter, as his father has a habit of being very discreet about his private life, since he has no account on social networks. and that he very rarely talks about his intimacy in his interviews. But the actor from Saint-Germain-en-Laye has finally decided to reveal the information in the columns of the magazine TV Starwhile the journalist asked him to state his “real adventure“in his life.

To which the actor replied: “With my two-and-a-half-year-old and soon to be eight-year-old daughters. It’s quite an adventure to bring young people into existence” he said, without elaborating on the subject. He is therefore the father of two little girls, while the identity of the one who shares his life is kept secret. We do know, however, that he was in a relationship with Louise Monot before meeting her other half. Small Handkerchiefs has since rebuilt her life in the arms of another actor: Samir Boitard, whom she met on the set of the TV movie Where are you now ?. They are parents since October 2016 of an adorable little girl baptized Lila.

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