franceinfo junior. A “low tech” explorer answers children’s questions

This summer, the children of franceinfo junior play scientific explorers, researchers. Monday, July 18, they interview Corentin de Chatelperron, an explorer returning from a “low tech” trip around the world.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Aboard his ship “Nomad des mers”, he has just returned from a six-year world tour, in search of “low tech” ecological and less polluting innovations: the adventurer Corentin de Chatelperron is the guest of franceinfo junior.

At the microphone, Moktar asks him the first question: “How do you find ecological technological objects when there are not many in the world?” asks the young interviewer. The opportunity for the guest to explain that there are nevertheless many of them and to tell what “low tech” are: “Technologies or know-how that are accessible to everyone, it does not require very complex machines. It meets basic needs such as producing electricity, making energy for cooking…(. ..) It is useful and ecological, respectful of the planet and of humans”. Ilyes wants to know how many countries the adventurer has visited on his journey.

Nathanaël then asks a question about the adventurer’s boat, the Nomade des mers, a life-size laboratory for these “low tech”: “How do you grow the plants on the boat?” The opportunity for the guest to explain this method and to tell that the tutorials of these “low tech” are accessible to all and put online on the Low Tech Lab website. Finally, the last question comes back to Nathanaël: he asks the guest what his “best green idea”.

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program where Corentin de Chatelperron recounts his journey in search of “low tech”.

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