Amandine Pellissard (Large families, life in XXL) harassed and threatened on … Vinted: her shocking revelations!

You don’t have to be known to be a victim of online hate… Amandine Pellissard is living proof of that. Indeed, during a live organized on Instagram, the star of Large families, life in XXLopened up about a difficult period in her life, when she was the victim of harassment and threats… on Vinted.

A situation that has allowed the one who appeared recently in a very daring swimsuit, to know, before the hour, the dark sides of success. Especially since, at the time, the mother of the family had no social network. “I had no social networks before doing TV. I had neither Facebook nor Insta. I only had Vinted. And already on Vinted, there was a jealousy, a rivalry, which was incomprehensible “. And this hatred became even greater after the broadcast of a report in Capital on M6. Amandine Pellissard remembers: “The day we made [l’émission], there are some that have twisted. They were sending anonymous messages, threats and everything to get me off the Vinted platform. Because it’s competition.

Households, long before the show

Nevertheless, the star of Large families, life in XXL, sees things on the bright side. The one who almost got drugged with her spouse during her stay in Spain indeed assures that “haters are exciting, they have an exciting reverse psychology. What I don’t get is how people who hate you, hate you, can’t stand you… How can they follow you, watch you on TV? “.

For her, only one observation can be made through this situation. “It’s still weird. These people are the most loyal in real life, they are fans in denial”she explains before adding: “They watch you all the time, all the stories, they comment on all your posts, they’re there all the time. You wonder how it works [dans leur tête]”. Whether we like the mother of the family or not, it is clear that she has a point.

See also: Amandine Pellissard facing the disease: her sad announcement on cancer…


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