historic temperatures expected in Brittany



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Brittany could experience the hottest day in its history, Monday July 18. Nearly 40 degrees are announced in Saint-Malo.

In Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine), exceptionally high temperatures make Brittany look like the Côte d’Azur. Sunday, July 17, it was 37 degrees in full sun in the afternoon. 40 degrees are expected on Monday July 18, which would be an absolute record in Brittany. “Even by the sea, it’s really hot, it becomes quite unbearable”explains a father.

With the hot weather, the risk of hydrocution is high, because the water temperature is barely 20 degrees. Faced with danger, rescuers at sea are doubling their vigilance with bathers. “They think it’s colder in the water, so they can go there more easily. But that’s where the risk is”, explains Corentin Perot, lifeguard in Saint-Malo. Tourists, too, are worried about this heat peak. “It’s oppressive to think that it will continue and get worse”, laments a man. All of Brittany is placed on red alert during the heat wave.

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