After the publication of a shock photo, Joy Hallyday responds to a hater who attacks his mother!

Followed by nearly 30,000 subscribers on Instagram, the youngest of the Hallyday clan, Joy, enjoys a little growing popularity on the Web! Photos of her family vacations, her outings with friends or simple selfies… From the height of her 13 years, the daughter of Laetitia and the late Johnny Hallyday is used to sharing snippets of her daily life with her community… Photos that have unfortunately the gift of creating controversy these days…

Indeed, after having been the target of Internet users after posting a photo of her sipping a cocktail (which was ultimately not alcoholic) at the beginning of the month, Sunday July 17, 2022, many did not appreciate the Joy Hallyday’s latest post!

The reason ? On the picture, the teenager posed as she gave the middle finger… A gesture that many Internet users criticized via the comment bar… Indeed, some even pointed the finger at Laeticia’s education Halliday!

“Mademoiselle, we must raise the level please! “, “Badly brought up girl”, “Not very classy”, What a shame”, Not a very nice gesture mademoiselle”, or : “Beautiful education… Bravo Laeticia. What a shame “. A last comment on her mother to which Joy Hallyday wished to respond!

“You all prove me right”she wrote, referring to the famous middle finger… A photo that her big sister Jade Hallyday also validated since the latter commented : ” I like “. Is this middle finger in the air aimed at haters?

See also: “More and more skinny”: This photo of Laeticia Hallyday in very tight jeans worries her fans!

Lisa Ziane

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