Pauillac 7th Art Harvest, Day 5

The Harvest of the 7th Art of Pauillac, Day 5 and actors that we love at the rendezvous: Franck Dubosc and Didier Bourdon for this penultimate day at the International Film Festival of Pauillac!

Started last Tuesday, the Festival is in full swing with screenings at 4 euros at the Eden cinema of films in international competition and young audience competition, free outdoor screenings on the city’s quays as well as Masters Class like the one given today by Didier Bourdon on “Humor and cinema”.

Franck Dubosc or gluttony

Coming to present his film Rumba la vie, Franck Dubosc also made a trip to the halls of Pauillac early in the morning to inaugurate the very first edition of the Brunch du Marché as part of the Festival Les Vendanges du 7ème Art. Under a guinguette decor, to the sound of bandas, he cut the ribbon to officially open this gourmet event which brought together producers, food artisans and craftsmen. Back in pictures:

Market brunch

Warm and generous, Franck Dubosc lent himself to the game of photos and some in the public had prepared well by taking out the swimsuit like Patrick Chirac in Camping, a film shot in our beautiful region.

Campsite in Pauillac
Campsite in Pauillac

Franck Dubosc also answered questions from journalists and told us that he liked wearing a mustache like the character in his film. rumba life !

Franck Dubosc and the journalists
Franck Dubosc and the journalists

Didier Bourdon answers our questions

Another sacred monster of humor, Didier Bourdon was present at the Festival for the screening of his film The Perfect Man by Xavier Durringer and to give a Master Class on the theme of humor in cinema.

Having fun is the key

Didier Bourdon in Master Class
Didier Bourdon in Master Class

He answered questions from the public about these future projects, he confirmed that a new movie of the Unknowns was planned in Mexico… The public applauded. He told a few anecdotes: Did you know that the piercing scene in Les Trois Frères was not planned at all at the start? That they are called the Latour brothers in the film because at the time of filming they loved Château Latour wine? And that after The vampireshe had the right to a tax audit?

Able to play in all registers, this actor is connected to real life, he has also said it again:

I like people, I wouldn’t like living in an ivory tower.

Didier Bourdon at the Harvest of the 7th Art
Didier Bourdon at the Harvest of the 7th Art

Jury and awards

It is this Saturday, July 16 that the winners are announced during the grand closing ceremony. Results announced Monday morning on France Bleu Gironde, you can count on us!

Day 5, the program:

This Sunday, July 17, the last day of the Festival, Zabou Breitman will host a “Literature and Cinema” meeting at 12:30 p.m., following the screening of his film Les Hirondelles de Kaboul. At 5 p.m., you have an appointment with a dream cast: Gérard Depardieu, Fanny Ardant and Benoît Poelvoorde in Les Volets Verts. A committed film, at 7 p.m., with the documentary Feminist Response. Finally, at 9 p.m., and to definitively close this 7th edition of the Harvest of the 7th Art, THE film which caused a sensation in Cannes: Without Filter by Ruben Östlund.

The complete program of the Harvest of the 7th Art here

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