Intervention of the DPJ in a day camp

Dozens of parents in the Laurentians are in nothingness after the emergency intervention of the DPJ, this Wednesday, in a summer camp for children, some of whom have special needs.

“We don’t even have any clues!” Does the complaint concern the whole camp? A particular monitor? Sexual or physical assault? asks Marie-Eve Petit, translator.

Her 9-year-old son was attending the Hiboux des jeunes camp in Saint-Hippolyte, in the Laurentians, until she received a call last Wednesday from the Department of Youth Protection (DPJ).

At the request of the organization and without further explanation, the mother of the family had to hasten to pick up her autistic son on an outing to La Ronde.

Other parents picked up their child on their return from the activity, in tears and after midnight, under the eye of several workers from the DPJ and police officers who came as reinforcements.

“It broke my heart. Is that what youth protection brings to life for children? asks camp director general Dave Allaire, aka Nemo.

Camp activities were canceled the following day and the day after.

The DPJ specifies that the camp was not strictly speaking closed, but that the parents were invited to withdraw their child from it due to an investigation concerning “reported elements”.

A real headache

Many parents were taken by surprise, before the reopening of the camp was finally announced for the following week.

“I had to turn around on a dime, it caused me a lot of stress,” says Mélanie Gébauer, a beneficiary attendant.

Added to this distress was the pain of several children.

“My son loses his friends, his activities. It was beautiful to see, he conquered his fears by climbing…”, says Lori-Anne Valiquette, whose 7-year-old boy has ADHD with anxiety.

Due to the intervention of the DPJ, the family has not yet decided whether he will set foot in the camp again.

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