the rate goes from 1% to 2% from August 1


France 3

Article written by

M. Damoy, E. Bonnasse, M. Barrois, G. Liaboeuf – France 3

France Televisions

The rate of the booklet A will be revised upwards from August 1, confirmed the Minister of the Economy. What are the consequences for your savings? Response elements.

The passbook A rate will double on August 1, and reach 2%. On the morning of Friday July 15, the news was rather well received in the streets of Paris. “I’m happy”says one woman, while another believes that “that’s excellent news”. On February 1, the Livret A rate, partly calculated according to inflation, had already increased from 0.5% to 1%.

Based on the average amount placed on a booklet A, i.e. 5,500 euros, a rate of 2% will yield 110 euros per year. Interest much lower than the losses linked to inflation, estimated for their part at 5.5% over the year. The shortfall for the saver thus amounts to 192 euros. “There is an increase in the return on this savings, but in view of inflation and the increase in the cost of living, this return is still very negative”analyzes Mathieu Plane, economist at the OFCE.

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