Caquist “partisan” training | The PLQ again addresses the Ethics Commissioner

(Quebec) The Liberals again address the Ethics Commissioner about another “exclusively partisan” Caquist formation on the upcoming election calendar and the funding targets to be reached – $ 40,000 per candidate. The content was shared by the Office of the Chief Government Whip.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque

This is the second time in less than five days that the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) has written to Commissioner Ariane Mignolet to denounce what it considers to be the use of public funds for partisan purposes.

Friday, Mme Mignolet has also confirmed the opening of an investigation into training on “media planning and purchasing” for the 2022 elections. This training was offered by two employees of the Coalition d’avenir Québec (CAQ) , but the content was released by the whip’s office.

Prime Minister François Legault has rejected any partisan use of public funds. On the contrary, he argues that the webinar presented last Wednesday was intended to “properly explain” what “must be paid with funds from the CAQ and what must be paid with funds from the National Assembly”.

But now the content of another training, this time offered in June, began to circulate. In the internal document that Press was able to consult, it details the electoral preparation calendar and the electoral objectives. We learn in particular that candidates must raise $ 40,000 in funding.

They must also add 2,000 subscribers to their Facebook page, have 10,000 supporters and 400 members. We explain how to “work” the county and organize the door-to-door.

This is an “exclusively partisan” presentation linked to the preparation of the next election campaign, believe the Liberals. The PLQ stresses that, as during the recent training on media buying, the content was relayed by employees of the office of the chief government whip, who are employees of the National Assembly.

In the email sent to county office staff, an employee of the firm furthermore invites recipients not to hesitate to “refer [à eux] when needed and support for your goals ”.

“Additional evidence”, according to the PLQ

In his second letter to the Commissioner, Liberal MP Marc Tanguay considers that this new information “is additional evidence strengthening reasonable grounds. [de croire] »That the chief government whip, the deputy Éric Lefebvre, would have committed a breach of the Code of ethics and professional conduct of the members of the National Assembly.

“It appears that the said deputy, in his capacity as government whip, allowed the use of goods and / or services of the State, in this case of the National Assembly, for activities other than those related to the ‘exercise of office. The alleged use was made for the benefit of the Coalition Avenir Québec, ”he wrote in his letter.

However, the office of the chief whip reads it completely. “The directive has always been clear: there must be a wall between our functions in the National Assembly and partisan activities”, assures the press secretary of the parliamentary wing, Marc Danis, in an email sent to Press.

It was explained that the training in question was “optional” and was offered by the Director General of the CAQ, Brigitte Legault, to members on June 10, from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. “The training was resumed on Friday, June 11 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am for some members who had not been able to attend the day before,” adds one.

“Employees paid by the National Assembly follow CAQ training on their own time. At the request of several members who attended the training, the presentation was sent to them by email, ”summarizes Mr. Danis.

The use of State goods and services is governed by provision 36 of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members of the National Assembly. These provisions stipulate that deputies and members of the political staff may use the property placed at their disposal by the State only for activities connected with the exercise of their functions.

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