the board of directors of AS Bayonne withdraws for the season in Elite 1 Women

End clap for the Neskak. While they had launched a cry of alarm to protest against their training conditions a few weeks ago, the board of directors decided to answer them by declaring outright forfeit for the rest of the season.

A decision made on Monday evening

The girls of the ASB and the staff, who denounced a lack of means to be able to compete with other Elite 1 formations and fearing for their physical integrity, were informed of this decision duringa meeting this Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at the Pierre Cacareigt Stadium where the Neskak evolve.

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The board of directors referred to the heavy grievances raised by the players to justify its decision. Decision which would sign the stoppage of the season for the players and the staff, who would in fact find themselves demoted to Federal 2, making the big difference between the highest and the lowest division of French women’s rugby. During the meeting, which lasted an hour and a half, Gilles Peynoche, the president of the club, also advanced as an argument that the association of the ASB did not have the capacity to support a team evolving in the elite.

For this decision to be official, the club must send a letter to notify the French Rugby Federation, mail which could leave tomorrow, even if the leaders must meet elected officials of the city of Bayonne to discuss the situation.

Solicited by our teams, the board of directors refuses to communicate.

More information to come

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