Rise in COVID patients, but don’t panic

The number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 has jumped in recent days in Quebec. Only yesterday, there were 104 more patients in the hospital for a total of 1,797. However, we are still far from the record of 3,425 hospitalizations reached last January. The Journal took stock with two experts.

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Why do we observe an increase in hospitalizations in the middle of summer?

The BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of Omicron are much more contagious than the variants known at the start of the pandemic. The lifting of the majority of health measures has also contributed to the increase in contamination in the population and therefore in hospitals.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all,” said the Dr Michel de Marchie, internist at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal who expected an upsurge with the removal of the mask and people who travel more.

Is this increase worrying?

Much less than in previous waves. There were only 45 people in intensive care yesterday. Very few patients enter the hospital due to COVID, but many test positive after being tested on admission.

“Even if we don’t yet have a perfect treatment for [traiter] severe cases, we see infinitely less of them, ”says the Dr Mathieu Simon of the University Institute of Cardiology and Pneumology of Quebec.

What problems does this cause?

All patients declared positive must be placed in isolation with a much stricter care protocol to avoid contagion. In addition, there are currently more than 7,000 health care workers who are absent due to the virus. This increases the pressure on the staff already overloaded by the summer holidays.

Should the government put measures back in place?

In the current context, it would be difficult. After more than two years of strict measures, people may be reluctant to have binding instructions imposed on them. Experts still suggest wearing a mask in busy indoor places. For its part, the federal government will reintroduce random PRC tests at the four main airports in the country, including Montreal, from July 18. To reduce wait times, selected travelers will be emailed and asked to take the test at home rather than at the airport.

– With Guillaume St-Pierre

Peaks of hospitalizations by wave in Quebec

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Source: National Institute of Public Health of Quebec. COVID-19 data in Quebec

The situation in Quebec as of July 13, 2022

  • 1,116,831 people infected (+2,164*)
  • 15,708 deaths (+11)
  • 7,094 healthcare workers absent for COVID-related reasons
  • 1797 people hospitalized (+104)
  • 43 people in intensive care (+5)
  • 15,630 samples taken on July 11
  • 248,984 self-declared rapid tests so far, including 207,001 positive: 754 declared for the day yesterday, including 677 positive.

* The number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles

*** For detailed results by region, see the INSPQ website by clicking here.

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