Of course, the publication was liked by more than 130,000 fans of the Youtuber, delighted for their idol, but also by many stars of humor or social networks. Natoo or Audrey Pirault notably left very cute comments embellished with hearts, as did Carlito’s wife, Erika Fleury (herself pregnant with her third child) or even Juju Fitcats, Daphné Thavaud, EnjoyPhénix and Gaëlle Garcia Diaz, just mom for the first time.
Stars of humor who all know each other and who seem to be delighted for the young woman who had experienced a tragedy almost a year ago: in September, she had explained to her subscribers that she had a miscarriage during the summer, a real shock for her and her companion. “It was very painful physically and morally (…) Obviously the loss for me was terrible and above all I got it into my head that I wanted to try my luck again quickly. Now that I’ve tasted a little of this happiness, I no longer want to live without“, she had told.
Luckily, less than a year later, they are the parents of this little angel who, with such parents (his father is part of the Odah and Dako duo), can only have an incredible sense of humor!