VIDEO. Brut was in the Nations Cup final in Aulnay


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The Aulnay-Sous-Bois Nations Cup was from June 18 to July 10, 2022. On occasion, several communities in the city competed to represent their country and share their love of football. Brut followed the sports competition.

“Today is Mali-Senegal and it will be Thieb with or without bananas. So us today, those who win, they win the recipe and we win in the gastronomic plan and in football.

The Aulnay-Sous-Bois Nations Cup is a football competition that brings together different communities present in the city. This year, it took place from June 18 to July 10.

For the players, this tournament is an opportunity to defend their colors and share their passion for the ball. This year, it was Senegal and Mali who faced off for the final.

My name is SYLLA Keba, I am 23 years old and I have been representing Senegal since the first AFCON, although I could have represented my other two nations, Mali and Guinea. It’s a choice of the heart”, explains a young player.

Despite the competition, the players of the Nations Cup of Aulnay take advantage of this event to meet in joy and good humor. “I feel good, it’s going to be a party for everyone. But first, we are going to have fun on the pitch.”

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