the tiger mosquito threatens the French summer



Article written by

E. Bailly, A. Zouiouech, H. Dugué – France 3

France Televisions

How to get rid of it or protect yourself from the tiger mosquito, a potential virus vector? It is now present in 67 departments of France.

The tiger mosquito has invaded Grau-du-Roi (Gard), and enrages tourists. “It’s terrible“, confides a woman. The white-striped insect likes damp areas and stagnant water. Often, individuals do not know how to get rid of it. “Empty the cups, or put sand at the bottom to always have humidity for the plants, but no stagnant water“, recommends Christian Smelraldi, project manager for vector control.

The tiger mosquito arrived in France via Italy 18 years ago. It first colonized the southern departments, and is now present in 67 departments. “It adapts to its new environment, and it develops and will eventually colonize all of France.“, explains Gregory Lambert, medical entomologist. To protect themselves, the association 60 million consumers has tested a series of repellents based on active ingredients of plant origin, to be used in moderation. It recommends above all to wear long clothes, and a mosquito net at night.

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