Thibault Garcia cash on his intimate relationship with Jessica Thivenin, the filming of “Apprentis Aventuriers” ruined everything!

Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia seem to love each other like the first day. Complementary and fusional, they do everything together. Including reality TV shoots. On the Web, the couple constantly immortalizes their daily life to the delight of Internet users. With their community, the two influencers are completely transparent.

This year, their admirers were able to find them in the “Apprentis aventuriers” on W9. After the shooting, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia gave an exclusive interview to Star TV. The opportunity for them to discuss this new experience without filter. The shooting was not easy… So much so that their libido was at ” zero “.

“We loved each other via Bluetooth…”

“You’re hungry, you can’t think of anything else. I love sex but there, I didn’t care “, confessed the interpreter of “Bambino”. “Anyway, I couldn’t have done anything because there was no libido.” A point of view shared by his half. “Even kiss! We don’t brush our teeth, so no, yuck! We loved each other anyway, but we loved each other via Bluetooth, a bit from afar! », had fun Jessica Thivenin.

In the city, the two stars are the happy parents of two children named Maylone and Leewane. In their absence, they stayed with their loved ones. “We were able to call them when we gave the pearls for the call, but not before”, added the pretty blonde. “ On the other hand, my mother was in contact with the production. She was texting and giving updates. She told us “I took Maylone to the nursery, he did his class photo, everything is fine”.

For lovebirds, family is sacred! And that’s not about to change. Their offspring will always be their priority. Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia have also moved away from the spotlight for a while to take full advantage of their toddlers.


to see also: Thibault Garcia and Jessica Thivenin unrecognizable: – 10 KG on the scale and impressive abs for their return from the “Apprentis Aventuriers”.

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