the European Union recommends a second booster dose for those over 60

In France, people over 60 have been eligible for this fourth dose since April.

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The Commission and the health agencies of the European Union recommended on Monday July 11 a second booster dose of vaccines against Covid-19 for all those over 60, instead of 80 so far, in the face of the current strong resurgence. of cases.

“I call on member states to immediately offer second boosters to all over 60s and vulnerable people, and I call on all eligible people to come forward for vaccination”, said European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides. The recommendation also applies to all vulnerable people, say the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in a joint press release.

Currently, the second booster is only open in France to immunocompromised people, over 80s since March and over 60s since April. More than 18 million French people are thus eligible for this second booster dose (which is generally a fourth dose, after two initial doses and a first booster).

However, the majority of French people aged 60 and over have not received this new injection. A finding that is beginning to worry the government, at a time when an average of 129,526 positive cases have been detected daily for a week. “The dynamic must still be amplified”hammered François Braun in the Assembly on Tuesday.

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