Guatemala | The eruptive activity of the Volcan de Fuego increases

(Guatemala) The Volcan de Fuego, located some 35 kilometers from the capital of Guatemala, is experiencing an increase in its eruptive activity, the country’s Institute of Volcanology (Insivumeh) informed on Sunday.

Posted at 9:40 p.m.

Instrumental readings detected two to five explosions per hour, and moderate and strong rockfalls, the institute said.

According to the Insivumeh, “a curtain of ash rises (in the air) and the wind disperses it at distances between 10 and 15 kilometers towards the west and the southwest”, affecting nine communities living on the flank of the volcano.

The institute warned that the increase in volcanic activity can lead to “the formation of a lava flow” towards one or more ravines (natural basins) as has already happened on July 4.

Civil protection spokesman Rodolfo García said no evacuations had taken place so far, but he was keeping communities living near the volcano informed.

On June 3, 2018, a violent eruption wiped out the community of San Miguel Los Lotes and part of a road in the nearby town of Alotenango, killing 215 people.

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