after the illness, Kendji Girac reappears and announces “a big surprise”!

“Friends, I’m really sorry. But I won’t be able to do my two concerts scheduled for tonight in Montélimar and tomorrow night in Givors”. With these words, Kendji Girac announced bad news to all his fans. Indeed, the winner of the third season of The Voice explained that he was sick and that this prevented him from going on stage: “I’m sick, I have no more voice. I’m resting to find you soon”.

Since then, the artist has been able to rest and regain form. He gave rather reassuring news to his community and it is now eager to find him for his next dates. But in addition to giving them a nice surprise by returning to the stage, Kendji Girac also announced excellent news a few hours ago when he appeared on Instagram while he was on a beach.

“I can’t tell you more”

“Hi everyone. It’s very hot but I’m happy it’s to have beautiful images. Because it’s the first day of the creation of my project”, he announced very playfully. In addition to revealing some images that should appear in his next clip, the singer also teased many surprises: “Very very important surprises for me. Because it’s a 5th album that looks a lot like me and there are so many beautiful surprises that I’m going to present to you in it that are going to be incredible”.

Happy with the news, Kendji Girac even almost said a little too much: “Besides, I have one that will be released soon but I can’t tell you more”. However, he still allowed himself to give some crisp information: “In any case, it’s really important for me to have these very natural images, which really look like me and especially the first single from this album is very important because… I don’t know if I’m telling you right now “.

See also: Sick, Kendji Girac must urgently cancel his concerts… the doctors push him to rest!


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