“Living” smart with COVID

“Living” with COVID. This expression has always made us cringe.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Obviously we’re all sick of this damn pandemic. That we aspire again to a normal life.

But it’s not much brighter to pretend the pandemic is over, when it clearly isn’t. There are currently 1,549 COVID patients in the hospital. This is more than at any time in 2021, and we are approaching the peak of the first wave in 2020 (1672).

The fifth and sixth waves of Omicron have been so trying that it feels like there are only two options left on the menu: 1) 100% sanitation; 2) 0% sanitary measures.

There is, however, a third option. Which requires nuance and patience. But that we will have to adopt sooner or later collectively: “living” intelligently with the virus. To be more cunning than him. Maintaining the most effective sanitary measures and practices, while preserving our mental health.

The recipe is known, but it must be repeated: vaccination, isolation, mask, ventilation. Vaccination, isolation, mask, ventilation. VIMA: remember this acronym (it’s our expression) which could make you spend a more normal summer.

After months of silence, the Legault government has (finally!) come out of its silence this week about COVID-19, as the seventh wave has begun.

Its summer strategy consists of lathering the booster dose of the vaccine and recalling the rules of isolation. Failing to reimpose targeted health measures, Quebec remains only in suggestion and recommendation mode. It’s more popular. But let’s be honest: it’s much less effective.


Two doses is already not enough. As long as COVID-19 is in the pandemic stage, it will obviously be necessary to return to be vaccinated at regular intervals. This is because the protection of the vaccine decreases over the months. In six months, the protection of the third dose decreases from 90% to 70% for hospitalizations, and from 65% to 10% for symptomatic infections. For nearly 8.7 million Quebecers, this additional risk represents an immense burden on our health system.

Over the past few months, it is evident that the Government of Quebec has let the balloon slip away to encourage Quebecers to take their booster dose(s). In Ottawa, federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos was more outspoken and politically courageous.

From now on, we need a clear message that we repeat often and without hesitation on all platforms: update your vaccinations. For immunocompromised people, it’s five doses. For those 60 and over, it’s four doses. For ages 18 and up, it’s three doses (possibly four if your third was more than six months ago, but that’s your choice). Only downside: wait three months after a COVID infection before taking a new dose.

Quebec has promised to do a summer advertising campaign to promote the booster dose. Very wise decision. Better late than never.


To the number of people catching COVID these days, it bears repeating: 10 days of strict isolation (no contact). If you do not have symptoms during days 6 to 10, you should stay home and wear a mask when interacting with other occupants (your immediate family), forget your social activities and limit your outings (with a mask) to essential activities (e.g. work).


Quebec probably should not have withdrawn the compulsory wearing of a mask in public transport, an essential service for many people. The mask is also compulsory in public transport in Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

No matter how to get there, the most important thing now is that at least 75% of Quebecers wear the mask in crowded indoor places like public transport.

G7 country with the lowest COVID mortality rate, Japan has never had to impose the mask in public transport and indoor places. The government recommended it and the Japanese followed that recommendation. Quebecers will never have the legendary discipline of the Japanese. But the equation is the same in Montreal as in Tokyo: the more you wear a mask in risky situations, the less risk you will have of catching and transmitting COVID, of clogging the health system, of developing COVID. long.

That’s a lot of benefits for such a simple and non-intrusive health measure.


Summer means doing activities outside, two meters away.

It would have been nice if Quebec took advantage of the summer to considerably improve ventilation in schools. Unfortunately, the Legault government is getting its ears pulled.

In the end, the equation is simple: the more Quebecers there are who adopt the VIMA recipe, the more pleasant the summer will be.

While waiting for an autumn which, let’s face it, promises to be difficult.

source site-58