Elisabeth Borne and Bruno Le Maire expected by bosses on purchasing power

The 22nd Economic Meetings organized by the Circle of Economists will be held until Sunday July 10 in Aix-en-Provence. Conferences and debates for the general public on the subject of the moment: purchasing power. Two guests are eagerly awaited: the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.

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In addition to the head of government, Elisabeth Borne, who will speak at the Economic Meetings on Saturday July 9 at the very beginning of the afternoon, Bruno Le Maire is eagerly awaited by the economic decision-makers present in Aix-en-Provence. The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty will not fail to hammer home the message forcefully repeated Thursday after the Council of Ministers, as well as on franceinfo Friday July 8, 2022: “The hardest part is here. The inflationary peak is now… we have to help our compatriots”.

The minister will find himself facing an audience of business leaders, most of them from the CAC 40, who are waiting for him resolutely on the part he is asking of them in this improvement in the daily life of the French at the time of the inflation. Tripling of the Macron bonus, profit sharing… the bosses are under pressure from the ministry and Bruno Le Maire intends to raise it a little more, even if no additional announcement is expected this weekend.

“Succeeding the transformations of the world”, is the theme this year. How can we support the recovery and are we able to anticipate new crises? The pandemic has reignited the debate on inequalities between generations. Between the middle classes who see their horizon blocked, an increasingly strong feeling of downgrading among young people and our relationship to work. However, the campaign for the presidential and legislative elections did not bring any real substantive debate on economic policy. This economic meeting is the first in France and in Europe organized since the two elections.

Loaded program, therefore, for these 22nd Meetings of Aix-en-Provence until Sunday. More than 60 sessions, 350 speakers from all over the world… bosses, politicians, trade unionists, economists. Unlike the Davos summit, these Meetings Eeconomic are public.

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